Dr. Alberto Molgado (UASLP).
Título: Perspectives on the quantization of polysymplectic fleid theories.
Resumen: One of the main issues on the quantization of relativistic fleid theories is associated to the lack of a covariant Poisson structure at the classical level. In this direction, we will address a particular version for classical field theories, namely the polysyrnplectic forrnalism, which allows us to construct a well defined covariant Poisson bracket defined on the set of differential forms associated to the fields and its conjugate polymomenta. Though this forrnalism may be equivalent to the Lagrangian forrnalisrn at the classical leveL the quanturn prograrn is far frorn being complete. In this talk, we will introduce the basics of the polysymplectic forrnalism for classical fleid theories and, at the quantum level, we will introduce a couple of approaches that may shed some light on the ingredients that a covariant quantisation of relativistic fleid theories may need to incorporate.